Sunday, December 21, 2008

I made it home before the snow started thankfully. Jung In sleeping on the couch, Linda still sleeping, I collapsed in the recliner. Put the horses out in the snow around 10:30, Linda and I cleaned stalls, Fred cleared driveway with tractor. Jung In woke up at 12:30, she was very tired from her trip. We now have over a foot of snow in driveway, I told Fred he will have to get up early and clean driveway, cause I have to be at work by 7, which means i need to leave here by 6:15am. I dont imagine there will be any school tomorrow for Linda. The girls are going to put up our artificial tree tomorrow. It was funny tonight, I asked them both to peel potatoes for supper to go with our haddock and veggies. They said okay, so while Fred and I brought the horses in and cleaned the snow off of them they peeled potatoes. Back in the house I see a pan of potatoes on the stove with no water and no fire underneath it. I asked the girls how they expected the potatoes to cook? they started laughing and said oh we didnt realize you wanted us to cook them. Oh well, we had a good meal together. I was very grateful to sit down with 2 special young ladies that will always have a special place in my heart. I enjoyed listening to them talk and laugh. It has been a good evening!!