Saturday, September 10, 2011

Freds update...toe amputated

They did the angioplasty on freds leg, got one artery opened up for blood circulation down to the foot. His foot actually feels warm now. They took off his middle toe which practically fell off into the surgeons hand, the bone was so deteriorated. Upon checking the bottom of freds foot, it was found that under neath what looked like normal skin was actually dead tissue and infection. They had to cut about halfway down his foot to really get everything out, so needless to say his recovery is going to take longer than expected.... He is going to go to rehab for a few days to build up his strength so that when he comes home he should be okay when i have to work to be able to get around the house. We now have a hospital bed in living room with a walker on wheels and a wheelchair. Thanks to Bob Normandeau and Sid Hall for getting all that done for me . So by the end of this week or beginning of next Fred should be home. Thanks to all my friends for helping out with the animals and chores. Love you guys!

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