Saturday, Windy and cold, took Aunt Dottie and Carol out for supper, I had hot dogs and beans, Fred was surprised by what i ordered because i dont usually eat beans, but I saw another man with them and thot they looked good??? I ate the hot dogs and a portion of the beans but not all of them. We had a nice visit anyway.
Sunday, went to Church, havent been there for a while due to work schedule, I miss it. It was nice to see everyone and see the advent candles being lit.
Monday, Woohoo!! I finally got to ride Bud, the temps were in the 30s and no wind. The driveway was a little slippery but the snow had softened up a bit so i got to give Bud a little workout by trotting in the snow. I thought I would play it safe and take him down over the hill on the snowcovered grassy part rather than the icy driveway. Well..... he spooked at something and we went about 3 feet sideways in one big step/jump, thought i was coming off, not only did we take that big leap but also was slanting downhill and he decided to turn quickly around to see what it was that he thot was so scary.. anyways, had a good ride. Hope to ride again tomorrow afternoon... I was actually able to get pictures by bringing the camera with me and riding over to Freds workshop where he and my friend Kristen were turning pens. I had to yell pretty loud for him to come out, gave him the camera so he could get some pictures..